This is the quick version of a Spanish omelette, because, I think it’s fair to say that at lunchtime you don’t really have loads of time to stand at the hob gently cooking off potato slices in olive oil and slowly sautéing the onions so they’re nice and soft but with not too much colour.

So, I’ve cheated, and made mine by microwaving a potato to par-cook it and all the while I was frying off the onions. Then I’ve quickly added the nearly-cooked potato to the frying pan before adding the whisked eggs salt and pepper.

The other trick to making this quick, is to not leave it to set on the hob or to try and do the complex manoeuvre of turning it over to finish off. Instead, I’ve flashed it under the grill until it’s fully cooked through.

You also need a really good non-stick frying pan – that will happily take the heat from the grill.

I’ve made Spanish omelette (tortilla) loads of times and it never NEVER tastes as it does in Spain.

¿Por qué?

Not enough oil, salt, different eggs…..Answers on a tarjeta postal, por favor (or on Instagram comments…) Though, I suspect the flavour has everything to do with the perfect combination of warm Spanish sunshine and an ice-cold San Miguel. Bocadillo de tortilla de patatas is in my top five sandwich combos.

Wedge of potato and onion omelette on a white plate on a wooden table, fork to the right side
A quick version of a classic tortilla. Great on its own. Even better wedged between some crusty white for a full-on Spanish-style sandwich.

  • 8 eggs
  • 1 large potato – microwaved then sliced
  • 1 onion – sliced
  • Olive oil
  • Salt & pepper

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