About Me

Hello, welcome to my little space online, my foodish blog.

When I grow up I’d like to be a food writer or a ski instructor. As there’s not much snow in Kent, here I am clinging to my final few months in my 30s yup, I’d say I’m a grown up – attempting to write about all things cooking, eating, drinking and some living thrown in for good measure.

My pictures are far from perfect, my words will always need practise, but after banging on about writing a food blog for years, and I do mean years, I am here giving it a go.

What do I know about food?

Hmm, well, I’m not a chef. I haven’t had any culinary training. I have, quite simply, a mild obsession, a distracting preoccupation, a true love for all things food. It makes me happy to cook and eat and talk about food. I served my time in front-of-house in everything from swanky 5-star restaurants to high street chains, soaking it all in along the way. I even competed as a barista and spent a chunk of my teenage years living in a pub – not as cool as it sounds.

That was all a lifetime ago.

Who am I?

I answer to Susanne, Sue, or Mum. I live with my husband Shaun, two kids and one Jack Russell in Bethersden, Kent. By day I’m a freelance virtual assistant at WriteCloud. You’ll usually find me logged on and working away in my home office if I’m not in the kitchen.

I love coffee, sometimes running, reading, oh, and cooking and eating.

My recipes and posts: Take my words with a pinch of salt. The recipes and the reviews, they’re all open to interpretation. 

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