After a day of weekend errands and a few hours at the beach resetting for the week ahead, the last thing I wanted to do was come home and cook a full-on dinner. These veggie stack ‘burgers’ are a light but tasty burger that you can mix up depending on what you have and what you fancy.

I’ve used mushrooms, halloumi and beetroot, but it could equally be roasted pepper instead of beetroot. Large flat mushrooms also work really well but after going into every convenience store and farm shop between Camber and Tenterden, I had to settle on the chestnut mushrooms that I already had in the fridge.

You can cook the mushrooms and halloumi in a pan on the hob if you prefer. I had the oven on to bake the bread and to roast the new potatoes to go with it, so it made sense to put it all in together.

The mushrooms give a juicy flavour, the beetroot for a bit of sharpness and the halloumi for texture and saltiness. Add to that the mixed baby leaves with peppery rocket and creamy mayonnaise on a crusty roll – who needs an actual burger?

About the bread. I’ve made my own burger buns on this occasion as I had extra dough from making garlic pizza bread the day before. After it had the first prove for the pizza, I divided the dough into four and shaped them into balls. These were left to prove overnight in the fridge in individual silicon moulds, taking them out a few hours before cooking, then baking them in their moulds. The overnight prove means the flavour of the bread is so much better. Brioche burger buns, lightly toasted, would be really good too.

Here’s how I made my

Veggie ‘Burger’ Stacks

Category, , , , DifficultyBeginner

Beetroot, halloumi and mushrooms on home-made buns make for a simple, tasty, burger-style sandwich.

 4 Burger buns
 1 Pack of halloumi
 1 Pack of cooked beetroot
 12 Chestnut mushrooms
 Few handfuls of mixed leaves


Preheat the oven to 200C


Wash and prepare the mushrooms and arrange on a suitable oven dish


Slice the halloumi into eight equal pieces, and arrange on a non-stick tray


Bake the mushrooms and halloumi for 15 minutes until cooked


Prepare the buns by splitting in half and spreading mayonnaise on each bit.


Slice the beetroot into thick pieces


Once the halloumi and mushrooms are cooked, layer up the stacks starting with the mixed leaves on the bottom, then the beetroot, halloumi and mushrooms.


 4 Burger buns
 1 Pack of halloumi
 1 Pack of cooked beetroot
 12 Chestnut mushrooms
 Few handfuls of mixed leaves



Preheat the oven to 200C


Wash and prepare the mushrooms and arrange on a suitable oven dish


Slice the halloumi into eight equal pieces, and arrange on a non-stick tray


Bake the mushrooms and halloumi for 15 minutes until cooked


Prepare the buns by splitting in half and spreading mayonnaise on each bit.


Slice the beetroot into thick pieces


Once the halloumi and mushrooms are cooked, layer up the stacks starting with the mixed leaves on the bottom, then the beetroot, halloumi and mushrooms.

Veggie Stack Burger
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